The Arizona Alpha Chapter is a non-profit organization that is focused on sisterhood, leadership, scholarship and service. Arizona Alpha has helped many young women grow into today’s leaders.
Our chapter has the following funds which welcome your support:
Annual dues are $70, which represents $35 paid to Pi Beta Phi International and $35 paid to the Tucson Alumnae Club. The club dues offset expenses associated with literacy projects, AZ Alpha Chapter House activities and events with members.
Please make checks payable to Tucson Alumnae Club of Pi Beta Phi and mail to:
Muffy Hirselj
7931 E. Presidio
Tucson, AZ 85750
Or pay your dues online at
Gifts to the Building Fund are used to pay for current renovations, debt reduction, and future capital improvements. Please make contributions payable to: Arizona Alpha Chapter House Corporation and mail to Sharon Reed, 2038 W Three Oaks Dr, Oro Valley, AZ 85737. Note in the memo line: House Corporation.
Donate online to the Arizona Alpha Chapter House Corporation:
Gifts to the Educational Fund help us fund scholarships that are solely available to Arizona Alpha Pi Phis as well as construction and maintenance of educational areas of the Chapter House. This foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation; donations are tax-deductible and you will be provided with a tax receipt. Please contact Matt Noble at 520-990-3250 or send a message here if you want to contribute to the Foundation and he will provide you the necessary information to support the Arizona Alpha Chapter. You can learn more about the Pi Beta Phi Foundation here.
CLICK HERE to make a contribution to the Pi Beta Phi Foundation
Donate by phone by calling 520-990-3250 and ask to make a donation to Arizona Alpha of Pi Beta Phi. We will then provide you all the information needed to make a contribution to the correct fund(s).