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Graduating Seniors 2020
Spring Initiation '67
Spring Initiation 1967
Bid Day '77

AZ Alpha Alumnae welcome you to their home on the Internet. This site has been designed as an informative resource for the alumnae and family of AZ Alpha. You will find news on upcoming chapter events and insight into the lives of chapter alumnae and undergraduates.

If you are an Arizona Alpha alumnus, please take time to update your profile. Your information will then be added to our online directory, a valuable resource to help you keep in touch with your sisters. For security purposes this directory is only made available to Arizona Alpha members. We also encourage you to visit the rest of the Alumnae section and the Events area, where you can RSVP for upcoming gatherings.

For help with, or questions regarding this website, please contact Jennifer Harris at

Website last updated on June 6th, 2017.